Whaler Towing Out


“Whaler Towing Out” black and white scrimshaw on ancient walrus tusk ivory by Jim Pauls. Rare piece from one of our clients who is no longer with us. The collector acquired this gem some 25 years ago. This is Jim Pauls work at his very best. Not a great deal of this ivory around anymore. Note how smooth the back side is: the result of rolling around on the beach and having the pebbles smooth down the outer surface of the tusk. However, just the right amount was “sanded off”. Pauls has combined many of his favorite subjects in one masterpiece. Whaler being towed out in flat seas, wharf dweller and his dog, seagulls (of course), man in dory and a detailed stern view of docked ship. Everything works with this one. Very heavy tusk (1 lb., 11.8 oz.) mounted on a classic strand by the late Ken Fredricks.

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