Disaster at Portland Head

Original price was: $1,900.00.Current price is: $1,615.00.

“Disaster at Portland Head” black and white scrimshaw on ancient walrus tusk ivory artifact by Gerry Dupont. Rare artifact used as net sinker hundreds of years ago in the Northern Bering Sea area and is in excellent condition. Award winning scrimshander, Dupont, has described the scene on the back side of the artifact: “St. John’s New Brunswick bark Annie C. Mcguire, driven. onto the rocks at Portland Head Light, Maine by a fierce Noe’easter on Dec. 24th 1886. The crew was saved but the ship could not be salvaged.”

Heck of a way to spend Christmas eve. This was created by Dupont in 2007 and is from the collection of one of our clients who is no longer with us. Excellent opportunity to add a first rate Dupont on a rare artifact to one’s collection at 2007 prices.

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